Taller chi kung columna vertebral cholula puebla

Chi Kung workshop for a healthy spine

Spine is the central axis leading most of the vital and motor functions of our body. Therefore, a healthy spine, which moves freely and elastically, within its natural range of movement, is fully functional, which significantly influences our quality of life.

Taller Taichi Chikung salud columna vertebral

Caring for your spine

Maintaining incorrect, rigid and static postures for too long reduces the strength, mobility and functionality of our spine. Through the practice of Chikung we have the opportunity to align, strengthen and improve elasticity, therefore the quality of the movements of our spine.

What will you learn in this workshop?

In our workshop you will learn to:

  • Recognize your areas of tension and learn to release them through conscious movement.
  • Reset natural physiological curvature of your spine, correcting deviations caused by sedentary lifestyle habits.
  • Keep focused your presence, and properly manage the emotional changes that can affect the health of your spine.
  • Integrate a new awareness into your daily life to help you move, restoring the functionality of your spine and preserving it throughout your life.
Taller Taichi Chikung salud columna vertebral

What is our methodology?

  • We help you become aware of your body through movement, focusing your attention on the spine.
  • With active visualization techniques, in connection with breathing, we help you integrate the Yin and Yang philosophical principle, to relax and expand the muscles surrounding the spine.
  • A free of unnecessary tension and friction spine contributes significantly to expanding the range and fluidity of movements.
  • We become fully aware of our current state, and learn in an accessible and stimulating way, to apply the elasticity of our movements to help us better manage internal, physical and mental tightness.
  • We workout on the complete mobilization of the spine in a progressive manner, taking into account your particular needs and limitations.


  • Wear loose clothing and comfortable footwear.
  • Traer, si lo tienes, tu propio tapete de yoga. Si no lo tienes te facilitamos uno.
  • No previous experience in Chikung needed.
  • No hay limitaciones físicas ni por edad que impidan tomar este taller, ya que nos adaptamos a las condiciones propias de cada participante.

Where is the workshop?

It is a 100% face-to-face workshop and will take place at HADAUM Fisioterapia – Lateral recta Cholula #3829 A-1 Santa Emma Building, ​​San Andrés Cholula.


SESSION 1Saturday, November 8th16:00 a 19:00 h
SESSION 2Saturday, November 15th16:00 a 19:00 h
SESSION 3Saturday, November 22th16:00 a 19:00 h
SESSION 4 Saturday, November 29th16:00 a 19:00 h

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