Taichi and ChiKung classes in Ecological Park of Puebla
What are Taichi and Chikung?
. Tai Chi is a martial art that integrates both physical and mental work through movement. It is a discipline for personal development and health, as well as a moving meditation practice.
. Chi Kung exercises are specifically aimed at cultivating the different aspects of the person: body, mind, attitude and emotions in an integral and balanced way. Both disciplines are complementary and nourish each other. During the practice, attention is directed inwards while different series of movements and forms are executed. That allow us one ‘here and now’ deep experience.

Who are our classes aimed at?
Our classes of Taichi and Chikung are suitable for people of all ages (from 18 years) whether you have practiced above any of these disciplines or if it is the first time, and for all levels, as unlike in other disciplines, the progress is not acquired by the largest number of exercises that are known or the complexity of these, but by the depth that is achieved in them.

Our aim
In our Taichi and Chikung classes at Ecological Park, our students gradually integrate the internal basis of the practice, through exercises and sequences of movements that are fundamentals of these disciplines (Taolu). The practitioner can join the group whenever, since we always work on the basic exercises, and progressively we incorporate new exercises.
Practicing outdoors, surrounded by nature and trees has other benefits added to the practice. Breathing cleaner air loaded with beneficial substances emitted by plants (phytoncides) keeping the our feet in direct contact with the ground, has a positive impact on our mood, psycho-emotional health and oxygenation of body.
For this purpose, we apply both programs Taichi and Chi Kung, complementing each other and cultivating Neigong, that is, the internal aspects of: body, Qi (energy), Jing (essence) and Shen (spirit). Through the gentle but at the same time intense practice of these aspects in order to nourish and strengthen them, we may obtain all the benefits of the practice of tai chi and Chikung, to improve habitability of our inner space and therefore achieve greater harmony.

Saturday | 9:00 a 10:15 am | 10:30 a 11:45 am |