In Taichi practice, when we talk about Dan Tian or Tantien we generally refer to the lower Tantien, one of the three energy centers described by ancient Taoist and internal alchemy treatises (Wangzi Qiao bei 王子喬碑, Baopuzi neipian 抱朴子)
The lower Tantien corresponds in turn to our center of gravity, so becoming aware of it is essential in Taichi and Chi Kung practices, since having it continually present during our practice and in connection with our breathing, helps us balance the body. , mind, spirit. Furthermore, this presence in Dan Tian helps us maintain a firm posture and achieve centralized connection of our movements.

- In the initial position, with the body loose and the aligned column, we first attention to our breathing.
- As we relax posture we'll realize breathing more focused on the lower part of the abdomen.
- In that moment to view our entire spine to carry all the attention and perceive their presence, attentive to every little movement reflected in it.
- We turn the attention to the breath, to the Tan Tien and we try to add our presence in the entire column.
- Breathe perceiving how it affects the motion of expansion and contraction of the Tan Tien to the position of the column, trying to keep it aligned, adjusting the position of dynamic and accompanying the movement of the center with small corrections in the position of the vertebrae.

- In the starting posture with the body loose and our column aligned we will pay attention to our breathing.
- As we relax posture we'll realize breathing more focused on the lower part of the abdomen.
- In that moment, we will visualize holding an elastic ball between our hands to our Tantienlevel. Inhalating we fill the ball with air increasing its volume and displacing our hands. When we exhale hands go back to original size of the ball approaching hands each other.
- The more practice, the clearer perception of the round shape of the ball displayed and also will increase the palm of the hands sensitivity to the volume changing in connection with our breath.
- In this exercise, we progressively try to perceive if there is a connection of the expansion and contraction movement of Tantien with the movement of the other parts of our body.

- In the starting posture with the body loose and our column aligned we will pay attention to our breathing.
- As we relax posture we'll realize breathing more focused on the lower part of the abdomen.
- We visualize an elastic sphere between our hands filled with air, held at the Tantien level. When we inhale visualize the area filled with more air, increasing its volume by separating our hands, and on the exhale return to its original size by approaching hands each other.
- We add an spontaneous rotation movement at that visualized ball, which now pulls our waist, hands and by connection our arms and legs in its rotatory movement.
- Practice this exercise until to achieve an awareness of this internal elastic volume, at the Tantien level. Then we can start to move around freely onwards, diagonally and backwards, without leaving our expand/contract movement and spinning the ball held between our hands. To try that at all times the movement of the ball is born from our center and from there it is transferred to the rest of the body, and not the contrary, is a fundamental of the exercise.
‘Dan Tian moves and the body will follow‘ it is one of the fundamental principles of the practice of tai chi, meaning that the body moves connected with the movements of the center. In this way the different shapes are transformed into an interpretation of the internal movements, which unified the entire body as a whole in its movement. The expansion/contraction of natural Tantien combined with its movement in the space gives rise to oscillating motion, which is described in the form of the number 8 or the symbol ∞.

- In the initial position, with the body loose and the aligned column, we put together the palms of the hands to the height of the center of the chest. With your shoulders relaxed and your elbows loose, separate your feet slightly more than shoulder-width.
- We locate with our attention Dan Tian and without moving the feet we shift our center as if we were trying to draw the infinity symbol in the ground around the feet.
- All of the time we keep our column aligned for which we will make as necessary detailed dynamic corrections in the position of our spine.
- It is important to keep, the feeling of opening in the groin throughout the exercise (kuas), so that we must be attentive to the position of the hip with respect to the legs and knees. They should not be dropped on the inside to prevent the closure of our groins.
- Finally, we add a new movement in the ∞ horizontal movement, a vertical ∞ movement, drawn through Tantien and matching in their curved ends with the horizontal ∞.
¿Cómo practicar los ejercicios de Dan Tian?
- At first, these exercises can be practiced for two weeks, one each day for as long as we have available.
- If we have more time, all four can be done every day.
- Afterwards you can practice one of the exercises every week.
- It can also be done as a start, or preparation before other exercises or internal practices.
Dan Tian and breathe
- As we apply Zhan Zhuang Our attitude relaxes and breathing becomes abdominal naturally.
- We can feel that the air, entering through the nose, pushes the diaphragm and it is directed towards Dan Tian, or we can also perceive a channel that crosses the navel from the outside, through which when inhaling (Chi or Qi) enters, filling Tantien.
- The constant practice of breathing, becoming aware of Dan Tian, helps us unclog our nostrils, feel more energy and even modify the flow of thoughts, their speed, frequency and better manage the emotions that arise at every moment.
- Practicing it when we wake up in the morning makes it easier for us to stay focused for longer throughout the day.
- After practicing it regularly, we will be able to perceive that the breath settles into an own volume Tantien, while the chest feels open and relaxed.
- Usually rushing and inattention lead us to pay all our attention to what we are doing or thinking and none to breathing correctly.
- More conscious breathing tends to reduce the relevance of the contents of our thoughts, so that they impact less on our psycho-emotional perception.
- In turn, attention focused on the act of breathing entails a deep awareness of the body, and goes hand in hand with being in the here and now.
- It is by far the most important act we perform during the day, as it keeps us alive and, if done properly, provides us with fulfillment and well-being.
- This practice has the advantage that you can apply for many of our daily activities, significantly increasing the awareness of our breathing.
‘First breath, then think’
Prof. David Correa